Other Surgical Procedures

Kalmar Implant Dentistry holds a record for performing the most complex surgeries in the last 15 years. If you need one, schedule a consultation today and discover how Kalmar Implant Dentistry can address your dental concerns and help you achieve a confident, healthy smile.

Other Surgical Procedures

For over 15 years, Dr. Kalmar Daniel has led a professional team of surgeons in performing complex surgical procedures in state-of-the-art facilities that adhere to the highest global standards.


An Apicoectomy

Sometimes, even root canal therapy (endodontic treatment) isn't enough to save a tooth. In these cases, an apicoectomy offers a second chance. This surgical procedure involves removing the very tip of the infected tooth root, the area most commonly affected by inflammation. By removing the infected tissue, apicoectomy allows us to preserve the tooth itself, preventing unnecessary extraction.


A Hemisection

A hemisection is an oral surgical procedure where one of the roots of a multi-rooted tooth, which cannot be treated, is removed. This is done to preserve the remaining portion of the tooth, which then acts as a support for a future crown or bridge.


Gingivoplasty is a surgical technique used to reshape the gum line by adding or removing soft tissue. This procedure aims to create a natural appearance for the tooth. It can be performed for aesthetic purposes or to correct various asymmetries.

An Alveotomy

An alveotomy is a surgical procedure that involves removing part of the bone structure around a tooth. This is done to create space for the tooth to erupt properly or to facilitate easier extraction. Typically, this term refers to the complex extraction of wisdom teeth.

A corticotomy

A corticotomy involves the deliberate removal of the bone covering surrounding a tooth, aimed at facilitating either its eruption or orthodontic extraction.

A frenulotomy

A frenulotomy is a procedure that involves removing the frenulum, a normal fold in the oral cavity. It is performed when this fold causes the teeth to move or separate, or if it affects the appearance of the smile.

A cystectomy

A cystectomy is a standard procedure performed to remove cysts or cystic formations from the bone. These growths must be removed as they damage bone tissue and can lead to bone and tooth decay.

The Working Process of Dental Surgery at Kalmar

Regaining a complete and functional smile through dental implants can seem daunting. At Kalmar Implant Dentistry, we understand your concerns and strive to make the process as smooth and efficient as possible. Here's what you can expect:

Step 1: Personalized Consultation

Our experienced implant team will meet with you one-on-one to discuss your goals, medical history, and any questions you may have.  A thorough examination will be conducted to assess your unique needs and determine the best course of action for your implant treatment.

Step 2: Advanced Imaging Advantage

Utilizing cutting-edge 3D imaging technology, we gain a precise view of your jawbone anatomy and remaining dental structures. This allows for meticulous planning of your implant placement, ensuring optimal positioning and maximizing the success of your treatment.

Step 3: Streamlined Surgical Experience

In many cases, Kalmar Implant Dentistry offers the convenience of single-visit dental implant surgery.  This innovative approach combines implant placement, abutment fixation, and sometimes even temporary crown placement into one efficient appointment.

Why Perform Dental Surgery at Kalmar Implant Dentistry?

At Kalmar Implant Dentistry, we understand that dental surgery can be a significant decision. Here's what sets us apart and ensures a positive experience:

Highly Skilled Surgical Team

Our surgeons possess extensive experience in performing all types of dental surgeries. Their expertise and meticulous approach inspire confidence, ensuring your procedure is performed with the highest level of skill and precision.

Safety & Precision

Your well-being is our top priority. All surgical procedures are performed under strictly controlled sterile conditions, adhering to the most rigorous professional standards. We prioritize a safe and comfortable environment for every patient.

Advanced Technology & Expert Diagnosis

Our commitment to excellence extends beyond our surgeons. We utilize cutting-edge digital technologies to facilitate accurate diagnoses and tailor appropriate treatment plans. This ensures the optimal surgical solution for your unique needs.

State-of-the-Art Surgical Suites

Our surgical rooms are equipped to the highest global standards, featuring advanced technology and a modern yet calming atmosphere. This ensures a comfortable and efficient surgical experience.

Local Anaesthesia

At Kalmar Implant Dentistry, we prioritize your well-being. That's why our bone augmentation procedure is performed under local anesthesia, minimizing any discomfort and ensuring a calm and comfortable experience for our patients.

Seasoned Dental Surgeons

Experience the peace of mind that comes with expert care. Our oral surgeons possess years of experience in dental implant surgery, ensuring they can handle even the most demanding cases with precision and skill.